We are facing a truly unprecedented time, with the global COVID-19 pandemic affecting our daily lives in so many ways.
As the COVID-19 situation continues to escalate in many parts of the world, entry restrictions and border closures are showing little sign of easing soon. The face-to-face faculty and student interactions are one of the most valuable aspects of the programme, of which we strive to maintain. In view of these developments, the School has had to make a difficult, but pragmatic decision, to delay the start of The NUS MBA programme.
In order to allow you sufficient time to make your arrangements with more certainty, and adjust your plans in the coming months, we have decided to move the start date of The NUS MBA to January 2021 for both full-time and part-time formats.
Should you decide that the new programme start date does not fit in with your plans, you could either:
a) Obtain a deferment by one year, for a place on intake 2021 scheduled to start in August 2021. There will be no refund of acceptance fees if payment has been made. If you have not paid your acceptance fees, you will be required to do so by the stipulated deadline in your offer letter, or
b) Withdraw your admissions into the programme: You will be refunded your acceptance fees if payment has been made. If you wish to be considered for admissions into the August 2021 intake at a later date, you will need to resubmit your application. Please note that prevailing fees for 2021 intake will apply.
Please inform us by 15 May 2020, on your decision to commence the programme in January 2021
「covid-19が流行ってて2020 intakeのスケジュール(2020年8月開始)は無理そうやから、2020 intakeの開始時期を2021年1月に遅らせるわ。
①1年間遅らせて2021 intakeのスケジュール(2021年8月)に合流
ということで、懸念していた事態が現実のものとなりました。ただ、出願締め切りも7月15日まで延長されたことを考えると学生自体も不足している可能性もあるので妥当な選択肢かなとも思います。また、大学側がface to faceの授業を重視していることは前向きにとらえたいと思います(せっかく高額の授業料を払った留学の大半がオンラインになっちゃうのはあまりにも残念なので)。
①2020 intakeとして2021年1月に入学
②2021 intakeとして2021年8月に入学
どちらにしろ半年以上の空白期間が出来るので選択肢は豊富。社会人になってから、自分の将来をゼロベースで選択することは無かったので不安はあるものの、 心配する側の人間ではなく、どんなワクワクする半年にしようかと興奮する側の人間になりたい。